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Dr. Muñoz research focuses on two areas:
Improvement of cultivars for Florida and the Southern US with focus on Highbush blueberries since 2017 and Forage species from 2013-2017
Development of models, techniques, and strategies to accelerate the development of improved varieties using traditional breeding, quantitative genetics, genomic, and molecular methods.
Because of the different potential scenarios and data available to test these models and methods a wide variety of commercially important horticultural and agricultural crops, including blueberry, forages, forest trees, among others are used. Below all the work from our lab and collaborations with other labs.
Senior/principal author(s) = Underline. Fellow = f. Graduate Student my lab = G.
Graduate Student collaboration = g. Other = &. Post-Doctoral Associate/Fellow my lab = P.
Post-Doctoral Associate/Fellow collaboration = p. Resident = r. Undergraduate Student my lab = U. Undergraduate Student collaboration = u
Parthenocarpic fruit quality and production under pollinator-exclusion in southern highbush blueberry
R. Cullen (G), J. Cromie (G), T. Sawyer (U), R. Amadeu, J. Benevenuto, P. R. Munoz. 2024. Parthenocarpic fruit quality and production under pollinator-exclusion in southern highbush blueberry. Scientia Horticulturae.
Development of a targeted genotyping platform for reproducible results within tetraploid and hexaploid blueberry
S. J. Clare, M. Driskill, T. R. Millar, D. Chagné, S. Montanari, S. Thompson, R. Espley, P. R. Munoz, J. Benevenuto, D. Zhao, M. J. Sheehan, M. M. Fentie, L. J. Rowland, H. Ashrafi, K. Melmaie, E. Babiker, D. Main, J. Olmstead, J. Gilbert, J. Kniskern, P. Sandefur, D. Percival, P. Edger, M. Iorizzo, N. Bassil. 2023. Development of a targeted genotyping platform for reproducible results within tetraploid and hexaploid blueberry. Front. Hortic. Sec. Breeding and Genetics. Vol 2 | doi: 10.3389/fhort.2023.1339310
Genome-wide association study and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes for off-season flowering in blueberry
M. N. da Silva (G), J. Benevenuto, L. F. V. Ferrão, P. R. Munoz. 2024. Genome-wide association study and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes for off-season flowering in blueberry. Scientia Horticulturae. 325. 112643.
Using visual scores for genomic prediction of complex traits in breeding programs
C. F. Azevedo, L. F. V. Ferrão, J. Benevenuto, M. D. V. Resende, M. Nascimento, A. C. C. Nascimento, P. R. Munoz. 2024. Using visual scores for genomic prediction of complex traits in breeding programs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2024) 137:9.
Blueberry and cranberry pangenomes as a resource for future genetic studies and breeding efforts
A. E. Yocca (g), A. Platts, E. Alger, S. Teresi, M. F. Mengist, J. Benevenuto, L. F. V. Ferrão, M. Jacobs, M. Babinski, M. Magallanes-Lundback, P. Bayer, A. Golicz, J. L. Humann, D. Main, R. V. Espley, D. Chagné, N. W. Albert, S. Montanari, N. Vorsa, J. Polashock, L. Díaz-Garcia, J. Zalapa, N. V. Bassil, P. R. Munoz, M. Iorizzo, P. P. Edger. 2023. Blueberry and cranberry pangenomes as a resource for future genetic studies and breeding efforts.
Impact of genotype‐calling methodologies on genome‐wide association and genomic prediction in polyploids
J. N. Njuguna (g), L. V. Clark, A. E. Lipka, K. G. Anzoua, L. Bagmet, P. Chebukin, M. S. Dwiyanti, E. Dzyubenko, N. Dzyubenko, B. K. Ghimire, X. Jin, D. A. Johnson, J. B. Kjeldsen, H. Nagano, I. de Bem Oliveira, J. Peng, K. K. Petersen, A. Sabitov, E. S. Seong, T. Yamada, J. H. Yoo, C. Y. Yu, H. Zhao, P. Munoz, S. P. Long, E. J. Sacks. 2023. Impact of genotype‐calling methodologies on genome‐wide association and genomic prediction in polyploids.
Combining High-throughput Phenotyping and Multivariate Analysis to Assess Fruit Quality Traits in Southern Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum Interspecific Hybrids) Germplasm Collection
E. Babiker, S. J. Stringer, H. F. Sakhanokho, P. R. Munoz. 2023. Combining High-throughput Phenotyping and Multivariate Analysis to Assess Fruit Quality Traits in Southern Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum Interspecific Hybrids) Germplasm Collection.
A quantitative survey of the blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) nectar microbiome: variation between cultivars, locations, and farm management approaches
C. Rering, A. Rudolph, Q. B. Li, Q. Read, P. Munoz, J. Ternest, C. Hunter. 2023. A quantitative survey of the blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) nectar microbiome: variation between cultivars, locations, and farm management approaches.
Hydrogen Cyanamide Application Accelerates Vegetative Bud Break and Causes Earlier Yield in ‘Optimus’ and ‘Colossus’ Southern Highbush Blueberry
J. Buck, G. H. Nunez, P. R. Munoz, J. G. Williamson. 2023. Hydrogen Cyanamide Application Accelerates Vegetative Bud Break and Causes Earlier Yield in ‘Optimus’ and ‘Colossus’ Southern Highbush Blueberry.
AGHmatrix: genetic relationship matrices in R. Bioinformatics
R. R. Amadeu, A. A. F. Garcia, P. R. Munoz, L. F. V. Ferrao. 2023. Blueberry and cranberry pangenomes as a resource for future genetic studies and breeding efforts.
Genomic-Assisted Breeding for Climate-Smart Coffee. The Plant Genome
M. A. Ferrão, A. Fonseca, P. Volpi, L. C. de Souza, M. Comério, A. C. Verdin, E. M. R. Souza, P. R. Munoz, R. G. Ferrão, L. F. Ferrão, 2023. Genomic-Assisted Breeding for Climate-Smart Coffee. The Plant Genome.
Genomic selection for genotype performance and environmental stability in Coffea canephora
P. Adunola (G), M. A. Ferrão, R. Ferrão, A. Fonseca, P. Volpi, M. Comério, A. V. Filho, P. R. Munoz, L. F. Ferrão. 2023. Genomic selection for genotype performance and environmental stability in Coffea canephora.
Terpene volatiles mediates the chemical basis of blueberry aroma and consumer acceptability
L. F. V. Ferrão, H. Sater, P. Lyrene, R. R. Amadeu, C. Sims, D. Tieman, P. R. Munoz. Terpene volatiles mediates the chemical basis of blueberry aroma and consumer acceptability.
Effect of container size, substrate composition, and genotype on growth and fruit quality of young southern highbush blueberry in a container-based intensive production system
Y, Fang, G. Nunez, P. Fisher, P. R. Munoz. Effect of container size, substrate composition, and genotype on growth and fruit quality of young southern highbush blueberry in a container-based intensive production system
Chloroplast genome assemblies and comparative analyses of major Vaccinium berry crops
A. M. Fahrenkrog, G. Matsumoto, K. Toth, S. Jokipii-Lukkari, H. M. Salo, H. Haggman, J. Benevenuto
P. R. Munoz. Chloroplast genome assemblies and comparative analyses of major Vaccinium berry crops
Genome-Wide Association Study of Healthful Flavonoids Among Diverse Mandarin Accessions.
M. R. Mattia, D. Du, Q. Yu, T. L. Kahn, M. L. Roose, Y. Hiraoka, Y. Wang, P. R. Munoz, F. G. Gmitter Jr. Genome-Wide Association Study of Healthful Flavonoids Among Diverse Mandarin Accessions. 2022. Plants 11(3):317
Branched-Chain Volatiles in Fruit: A Molecular Perspective
L. Bizzio, D. Tieman, P. R. Munoz. Branched-Chain Volatiles in Fruit: A Molecular Perspective. 2022. Frontiers Plant Science 12:814138
V. Colantonio (g) co, L. F. V. Ferrão (P) co, D. Tieman, N. Bliznyuk, C. Sims, H. Klee, P. R. Munoz, M. F. R. Jr. Resende. Metabolomic Selection for Enhanced Fruit Flavor. 2022. PNAS 119(7) e2115865119 co:authors contributed equally.
Phenomics-Assisted Selection for Herbage Accumulation in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
A. Biswas, M. H. M. L. Andrade, C. L. de Souza, Y. Lopez, G. de Assis, S. Shirbhate, A. Singh, P. R. Munoz, E. Rios. Phenomics-Assisted Selection for Herbage Accumulation in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). 2021. Frontiers Plant Science 12:756768
Genetic trade-offs underlie divergent life history strategies for local adaptation in white clover
S. Wright, D. M. Goad, B. L. Gross, P. R. Munoz, K. M. Olsen. Genetic trade-offs underlie divergent life history strategies for local adaptation in white clover. 2021. Molecular Ecology 00:1-19
QTL Mapping in Outbred Tetraploid (and Diploid) Diallel Populations
Rodrigo R Amadeu, Patricio R. Munoz, Chaozhi Zheng, Jeffrey B Endelman, QTL Mapping in Outbred Tetraploid (and Diploid) Diallel Populations, Genetics, 2021;, iyab124, https://doi.org/10.1093/genetics/iyab124
Haplotype Reconstruction in Connected Tetraploid F1 Populations
Chaozhi Zheng, Rodrigo R Amadeu, Patricio R. Munoz, Jeffrey B Endelman, Haplotype Reconstruction in Connected Tetraploid F1 Populations, Genetics, 2021;, iyab106, https://doi.org/10.1093/genetics/iyab106
Genomic prediction in family bulks using different traits and cross-validations in pine
Esteban F Rios, Mario H M L Andrade, Marcio F R Resende, Jr,, Matias Kirst, Marcos D V de Resende, Janeo E de Almeida Filho, Salvador A Gezan, Patricio R. Munoz, Genomic prediction in family bulks using different traits and cross-validations in pine, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2021;, jkab249, https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab249
Exploring environmental and storage factors affecting sensory, physical and chemical attributes of six southern highbush blueberry cultivars
Haley Sater, Luís Felipe V. Ferrão, James Olmstead, Patricio R. Munoz, Jinhe Bai, Alwin Hopf, Anne Plotto,
Exploring environmental and storage factors affecting sensory, physical and chemical attributes of six southern highbush blueberry cultivars, Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 289, 2021, 110468, ISSN 0304-4238, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110468.
Genomic Prediction In An Outcrossing Autotetraploid Fruit Crop: Lessons From Blueberry Breeding
Ferrão, LFV; Amadeu, RR; Benevenuto, J; de Bem Oliveira, I; Munoz, PR. Genomic Prediction In An Outcrossing Autotetraploid Fruit Crop: Lessons From Blueberry Breeding, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.09.17.302802
Evaluating the Introgression of Wild Germplasm into Autotetraploid Blueberry Breeding
Cabezas, D; de Bem Oliveira, I; Acker, M; Lyrene, P; Munoz, PR. Evaluating the Introgression of Wild Germplasm into Autotetraploid Blueberry Breeding. Preprints 2021. doi: 10.20944/preprints202101.0543.v1
Registration of ‘Mislevy’ bermudagrass
J. M. B. Vendramini (&), E. Rios, J. C. B. Dubeux, K. Quesenberry, P. R. Munoz. Registration of ‘Mislevy’ bermudagrass. 2021. Journal of Plant Registrations 15(1):7-15
Multi-Species Genotype-by-Environment Interaction for Turf Quality in Five Turfgrass Breeding Programs in the Southeastern United States
B. T. Gouveia (g), E. F. Rios, J. A. R. Nunes, S. A. Gezan, P. R. Munoz, K. E. Kenworthy, J. B. Unruh, G. L. Miller, S. R. Milla-Lewis, B. M. Schwartz, P. L. Raymer, A. Chandra, B. G. Wherley, Y. Wu, D. Martin, J. Q. Moss. Multi-Species Genotype-by-Environment Interaction for Turf Quality in Five Turfgrass Breeding Programs in the Southeastern United States. 2021. Crop Science 61(5):3080-3096
Metabolomic Selection for Enhanced Fruit Flavor
Colantonio,Vco; Ferrão, LFVco; Tieman, D; Bliznyuk, N; Sims, C; Klee, H; Munoz, PR; Resende Jr, MFR. Metabolomic Selection for Enhanced Fruit Flavor, 2020. co:authors contributed equally. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.05.434007
Advancements in Low-Chill Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum L. Tissue Culture Practices
F. Cappai(G), A. L. Garcia(G), R. Cullen(G), M. Davis(U), P. R. Munoz. Advancements in Low-Chill Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum L. Tissue Culture Practices. Plants 9(11):1624. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants9111624
High-resolution linkage map and QTL analyses of fruit firmness in autotetraploid blueberry
F. Cappai(G), R. R. Amadeu(G), J Benevenuto(P), R. Cullen(G), A. L. Garcia(G), A. Y. Grossman(g), L. F. V. Ferrão(P), P. R. Munoz. High-resolution linkage map and QTL analyses of fruit firmness in autotetraploid blueberry. 2020 Frontiers in Plant Science 11 (562171). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.562171
Estimation of molecular pairwise relatedness in autopolyploid crops
R. R. Amadeu (G); L. A. D. C. Lara; P. R. Munoz; A. A. F Garcia. Estimation of molecular pairwise relatedness in autopolyploid crops. G3, Early Online. https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.120.401669
A Review for Southern Highbush Blueberry Alternative Production Systems
Y. Fang (G), G. H. Nunez (&), M. Neves (G), D. A. Phillips, P. R. Munoz. A review of alternative production systems for Southern highbush blueberry. Agronomy 10(1531). doi:10.3390/agronomy10101531
Breeding alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) adapted to subtropical agroecosystems
J. P. Acharya (g), Y. Lopez, B. T. Gouveia, I. de Bem Oliveira(P), M. F. R. Resende Jr., P. R. Munoz, E. F. Rios. Breeding alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) adapted to subtropical agroecosystems. Agronomy 10(5), 742. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10050742
A review of the fruit volatiles in blueberry and other Vaccinium species. 2020
H. M. Sater (G), L. N. Bizzio (G), D. Tieman, P. R. Munoz. A review of the fruit volatiles in blueberry and other Vaccinium species. 2020. Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Accepted. doi: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c01445
Exploring deep learning for complex trait genomic prediction in polyploid outcrossing species
L. Zingaretti (g), S. Gezan, L. F. V. Ferrão, L. F. Osorio, A. Monfort, P. R. Munoz, V. Whitaker, M. Perez-Enciso. Exploring deep learning for complex trait genomic prediction in polyploid outcrossing species. 2020. Front. Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00025
Genome‐wide association of volatiles reveals candidate loci for blueberry flavor
Improvement of predictive ability in maize hybrids by including dominance effects and marker x environment models
L. F. V. Ferrão (P), C. D. Marinho, P. R. Munoz, M. F. R. Resende Jr. Improvement of predictive ability in maize hybrids by including dominance effects and marker x environment models. 2020. Crop Science 60:666-677. doi:10.1002/csc2.20096
Cost-effective detection of genome-wide signatures for 2,4-D herbicide resistance adaptation in red clover
J. Benevenuto (P), M. Bhakta (P), D. Lorh (u), L. F. V. Ferrao(P), M.F. R. Resende Jr., M. Kirst, K. Quesenberry, P. R. Munoz. Cost-effective detection of genome-wide signatures for 2,4-D herbicide resistance adaptation in red clover. 2019. Scientific Reports 9: 20037
Genomic Prediction of Additive and Non-additive Effects Using Genetic Markers and Pedigrees
J. Filho (g), J. Rodrigues (g), F. Silva, M. D. V. Resende, P. R. Munoz, M. Kirst, M. F. R. Resende Jr. Genomic prediction of additive and non-additive effects using genetic markers and pedigrees. 2019. G3 9(8):2739-2748.
Evaluating early selection in perennial tropical forages
U. J. Figueiredo (G), Y .V. Berchembrock, C. V. Borges, S. C. Barrios, K. H. Quesenberry, P. R. Munoz, J. A. R. Nunes. Evaluating early selection in perennial tropical forages. 2019. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 19(3). http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1984-70332019v19n3a41
Genetic Parameters for Phenotypic Traits in Annual Ryegrass (Lolium Multipflorumlamarck)
E. Rios(G); K. Kenworthy; S. Gezan; P. R. Munoz. Genetic Parameters for Phenotypic Traits in Annual Ryegrass (Lolium Multipflorumlamarck)
Genomic Prediction of Autotetraploids; Influence of Relationship Matrices, Allele Dosage, and Continuous Genotyping Calls in Phenotype prediction
I. de Bem Oliveira(P), M. F. R. Resende, L. F. V. Ferrão, R. R. Amadeu, J. Endelman, M. Kirst, A. S. G. Coelho, P. R. Munoz. Genomic prediction of autotetraploids; influence of relationship matrices, allele dosage, and continuous genotyping calls in phenotype prediction. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 9(4), 1189-1198. https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.119.400059
Characterization of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) germplasm for nitrogen use efficiency
R. Schneider-Canny(p), K. Chekhovskiy, P. R. Muñoz, M. C. Saha. Characterization of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) germplasm for nitrogen use efficiency. et al. Euphytica (2019) 215: 40. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-019-2347-z
Transgenerational stress memory in seed and seedling vigor of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varies by genotype
K. A. Racette(g), D. L. Rowland, B. L. Tillman, J. E. Erickson, P. R. Munoz, W. Vermerris. Transgenerational stress memory in seed and seedling vigor of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varies by genotype. Environmental and Experimental Botany. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.03.006
Insights into the genetic basis of blueberry fruit-related traits using diploid and polyploid models in a GWAS context
L. F. V. Ferrão (P), J. Benevenuto(P), I. Oliveira(P), C. Cellon, J. Olmstead, M. Kirst, M. F. R. Resende Jr., P. R. Munoz. Insights into the genetic basis of blueberry fruit-related traits using diploid and polyploid models in a GWAS context. Front. Ecol. Evol. 6(107). doi : 10.3389/fevo.2018.00107 .
Molecular and Genetic Bases of Fruit Firmness Variation in Blueberry—A Review
F. Cappai (G), J. Benevenuto (P), L. F. V. Ferrao, (P), P. R. Munoz. Molecular and Genetic Bases of Fruit Firmness Variation in Blueberry-A Review. Agronomy 2018, 8(9), 174; doi.org/10.3390/agronomy8090174
Genomic selection prediction models comparing sequence capture and SNP-array genotyping methods
B. F. X. Moraes (G), R. F. Santos (g), B. M. Lima, A. M. Aguiar, Al. A. Missiaggia, D. C. Dias, G. D. P. S. Rezende, F. M. A. Gonçalves, J. J. Acosta, M. Kirst, M. F. R. Resende Jr, P. R. Muñoz. 2018. Genomic selection prediction models comparing sequence capture and SNP-array genotyping methods. Mol Breeding 38:115. doi.org/10.1007/s11032-018-0865-3
Understanding the complexity of cold tolerance in white clover using temperature gradient locations and a GWAS approach
L. Inostroza(P), M. Bhakta(p), H. Acuña, C. Vasquez, J. Ibañez, G. Tapia, W. Mei, M. Kirst, M. F. R. Resende Jr., P. R. Munoz . 2018. Understanding the complexity of cold tolerance in white clover using temperature gradient locations and a GWAS approach. The Plant Genome – First Look. doi:10.3835/plantgenome2017.11.0096.
Estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values in an autotetraploid blueberry breeding population with extensive pedigree data
C. Cellon (G), R. R. Amadeu, J. W. Olmstead, M. R. Mattia, L. F. V Ferrao (P), P. R. Munoz. Estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values in an autotetraploid blueberry breeding population with extensive pedigree data. Euphytica 214: 87. doi.org/10.1007/s10681-018-2165-8
Genetic progress in popcorn recurrent selection by a multivariate mixed-model approach
H. J. Ematné (G), J.A.R. Nunes, J. C. de Souza, P. R. Munoz. 2018. Genetic progress in popcorn recurrent selection by a multivariate mixed-model approach. Ciencia e Agrotecnologia 42(2):159-167. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1413-70542018422016817
Screening for Susceptibility to Anthracnose Stem Lesions in Southern Highbush Blueberry
D. A. Phillips (G), P. F. Harmon, J. W. Olmstead, N. A. Peres, P. R. Munoz. 2018. Screening for Susceptibility to Anthracnose Stem Lesions in Southern Highbush Blueberry. HortScience vol. 53 no. 7 920-924. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI12994-18
Genetic Variance Partitioning and Genome-Wide Prediction with Allele Dosage Information in Autotetraploid Potato
J. B. Endelman(&), C. A. Schmitz Carley, P. C. Bethke, J. J. Coombs, M. E. Clough, W. L. da Silva, W. S. De Jong, D. S. Douches, C. M. Frederick, K. G. Haynes, D. G. Holm, J. . Miller, P. R. Muñoz, F. M. Navarro, R. G. Novy, J. P. Palta, G. A. Porter, K. T. Rak, V. R. Sathuvalli, A. L. Thompson, G. C. Yencho. Genetic Variance Partitioning and Genome-Wide Prediction with Allele Dosage Information in Autotetraploid Potato. GENETICS vol. 209 no. 1 77-87. doi.org/10.1534/genetics.118.300685
‘DT-1’, a Drought-tolerant Triploid Turf Bermudagrass
B. M. Schwartz(&), W. W. Hanna, L. L. Baxter, P. L. Raymer, F. C. Waltz, A. R. Kowalewski, A. Chandra, A. D. Genovesi, B. G. Wherley, G. L. Miller, S. R. Milla-Lewis, W. C. Reynolds, Y. Wu, D. L. Martin, J. Q. Moss, M. P. Kenna, J. B. Unruh, K. E. Kenworthy, J. Zhang, P. R. Munoz. 2018. ‘DT-1’, a Drought-tolerant Triploid Turf Bermudagrass. HortScience 53:1711-1714; doi:10.21273/HORTSCI13083-18
Improving predictability of multi-sensor data with nonlinear statistical methodologies
L. Xing (G), J. J. Pittman, L. Inostroza, T. J. Butler, P. R. Munoz. 2018. Improving predictability of multi-sensor data with nonlinear statistical methodologies. Crop Science 58(2): 972-981. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.09.0537
Improved genetic parameter estimations in zoysiagrass by implementing post hoc blocking
L. Xing(G), S. Gezan , K. Kenworthy , B. Unruh, P. R. Munoz. 2017. Improved genetic parameter estimations in zoysiagrass by implementing post hoc blocking. Euphytica 213(195): 1-10. doi: 10.1007/s10681-017-1984-3.
Genomic prediction in contrast to a genome-wide association study in explaining heritable variation of complex growth traits in breeding populations of Eucalyptus
B. S. F. Müller (g), L. G. Neves, J. E. de Almeida Filho, M. F. R. Resende Jr, P. R. Muñoz, P. E. T. dos Santos, E. P. Filho, M. Kirst, D. Grattapaglia. 2017. Genomic prediction in contrast to a genome-wide association study in explaining heritable variation of complex growth traits in breeding populations of Eucalyptus. BMC Genomics 18:524:1-17. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3920-2
Breeding apomictic bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) with improved turf traits
E. Rios (G), K. Kenworthy, A. Blount, K. H. Quesenberry, B. Unruh, J. Erickson, F. Altpeter, P. R. Munoz. 2017. Breeding apomictic bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) with improved turf traits. Plant Breeding, 136(2): 253–260. doi: 10.1111/pbr.12459
QTLs Associated with Crown Root Angle, Stomatal Conductance, and Maturity in Sorghum
J. R. Lopez (g), J. E. Erickson, P. R. Munoz, A. Saballos, T. J. Felderhoff, W. Vermerris. 2017. QTLs Associated with Crown Root Angle, Stomatal Conductance, and Maturity in Sorghum. Plant Genome 10. doi:10.3835/plantgenome2016.04.0038
Comparisons of turf-type bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) for various root and shoot traits under various nitrogen regimes
M. C. Pereira (u), E. Rios. (g), K. Kenworthy, K. H. Quesenberry, A. Blount, J. Erickson, F. Altpeter, P. R. Munoz. 2017. Comparisons of turf-type bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) for various root and shoot traits under various nitrogen regimes. Proceedings of the International Turfgrass Society 13:443-453 . doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.06.0468.
Using aerial images and canopy spectral reflectance for high-throughput phenotyping of white clover
L. Inostroza(p), H. Acuña, P. R. Munoz, C. Vasquez, J. Ibañez, G. Tapia, M.T. Pino and H. Aguilera. Using aerial images and canopy spectral reflectance for high-throughput phenotyping of white clover. Crop Science 56(5): 2629-2637. doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.03.0156
AGHmatrix: R package to construct relationship matrices for autotetraploid and diploid species, a blueberry example
R. R. Amadeu (U), C. Cellon (g), J. W. Olmstead, A. A. F. Garcia, M. F. R Resende, P. R. Munoz. 2016. AGHmatrix: R package to construct relationship matrices for autotetraploid and diploid species, a blueberry example. The Plant Genome 9(3): 1-10. doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2016.01.0009
Impact of irrigation rate on PRE herbicide activity
H. C. Smith. (g), J. A. Ferrell, T. M. Webster, J. V. Fernandez, P. J. Dittmar, and P. R. Munoz, G. E. MacDonald 2016. Impact of irrigation rate on PRE herbicide activity. Weed Technology 30(3): 793-800. doi: 10.1614/WT-D-16-00014.1
The contribution of dominance to phenotype prediction in a pine breeding and simulated population
J. E. de Almeida Filho(g), J. F. R. Rodrigues (g), F. F. Silva, M. D. V. Resende, P. R. Munoz, M. Kirst, M. F. R. Resende Jr. 2016. The contribution of dominance to phenotype prediction in a pine breeding and simulated population. Heredity 117: 33-41. doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.23
Resource quality affects weapon and testis size and the ability of these traits to respond to selection in the leaf-footed cactus bug, Narnia femorata
D. A. Sasson (g), P. R. Munoz, S. Gezan and C. W. Miller. 2016. Resource quality affects weapon and testis size and the ability of these traits to respond to selection in the leaf-footed cactus bug, Narnia femorata. Ecology and Evolution 6(7): 2098-2108. doi:10.1002/ece3.2017
Generating relevant information for breeding Passiflora edulis: genetic parameters and population structure
F. H. L. Silva (G), P. R. Munoz, C. I. Vincent, and A. P. Viana. 2016. Generating relevant information for breeding Passiflora edulis: genetic parameters and population structure. Euphytica 208(3): 609-619. doi:10.1007/s10681-015-1616-8.
Genome-enabled estimates of additive and non-additive genetic variances and prediction of apple phenotypes across environments
S. Kumar (&), C. Molloy, P. R. Munoz, H. Daetwyler, D. Chagne, and R Volz. 2015. Genome-enabled estimates of additive and non-additive genetic variances and prediction of apple phenotypes across environments. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 5: 2711-2718. doi:10.1534/g3.115.021105.
Association of phenotypic traits with ploidy and genome size in annual ryegrass
E. Rios (g), K. Kenworthy and P. R. Munoz. 2015. Association of phenotypic traits with ploidy and genome size in annual ryegrass. Crop Science 55(5): 2078–2090. doi:10.2135/cropsci2015.01.0039.
Registration of ‘FL24D’, a red clover selected for tolerance to 2,4-D herbicide
K. Quesenberry (&), A. Blount, P. R. Munoz, J. Ferrel, and J.C. Dubeux. 2015. Registration of ‘FL24D’, a red clover selected for tolerance to 2,4-D herbicide. Journal of Plant Registrations 9: 288-293. doi:10.3198/jpr2014.11.0081crc.
A consensus genetic map for Pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii and extent of linkage disequilibrium in two genotype-phenotype discovery populations of Pinus taeda
J. W. Westbrook (g), V. E. Chhatre (g), L. Wu, S. Chamala (g), L. G. Neves, P. R. Munoz, P. J. Martinez-Garcia, D. B. Neale, M. Kirst, D. C. Nelson, K. Mockaitis, G. F. Peter, J. M. Davis, and C. S. Echt. 2015. A consensus genetic map for Pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii and extent of linkage disequilibrium in two genotype-phenotype discovery populations of Pinus taeda. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 5(8): 1685-94. doi: 10.1534/g3.115.019588.
Ridge, Lasso and Bayessian additive-dominance genomic models
C. Ferreira Azevedo (g), M. D. V. Resende, F. F. Silva, J. M. S. Viana, M. S. F. Valente, M. F. R. Resende Jr, and P. R. Munoz. 2015. Ridge, Lasso and Bayessian additive-dominance genomic models. BMC Genetics 16(105): 1-13. doi: 10.1186/s12863-015-0264-2.
Discovering candidate genes that regulate resin canal number in Pinus taeda stems by integrating genetic analysis across environments, ages, and populations
J. W. Westbrook (g), A. R. Walker (p), L. G. Neves, P. R. Munoz, M. F. Resende Jr., D.B. Neale, J.L. Wegrzyn, D.A. Huber, M. Kirst, J. M. Davis, and G. F Peter. 2015. Discovering candidate genes that regulate resin canal number in Pinus taeda stems by integrating genetic analysis across environments, ages, and populations. New Phytology 205(2): 627-641. doi: 10.1111/nph.13074.
Registration of 'DALSA 0605' St. Augustinegrass
A. Chandra (&), A. D. Genovesi, B. W. Wherley, S. P. Metz, J. A. Reinert, Y-Z. Wu, P. Skulkaew, M.C. Engelke, D. Hargey, L. R. Nelson, B. M. Schwartz, P. L. Raymer, Y. Q. Wu, D. L. Martin, S. R. Milla-Lewis, G. Miller, K. E. Kenworthy and P. R. Munoz. 2015. Registration of DALSA 0605 St. Augustinegrass. Journal of Plant Registrations 9(1): 27-34. doi:10.3198/jpr2014.05.0036crc.
Unraveling additive from non-additive effects using genomic relationship matrices
P. R. Munoz., M. F. R. Resende Jr., S. Gezan, M.D. Resende, G. de los Campos, M. Kirst, D. Huber, and G. F. Peter. 2014. Unraveling additive from non-additive effects using genomic relationship matrices. GENETICS 198: 1759-1768. doi: 10.1534/genetics.114.171322.
A new red clover 2,4-D resistant cultivar to improve broadleaf weed control and elucidate the molecular mechanism of resistance
P. R. Munoz, K. Quesenberry, Blount A, J.A. Ferrel and J.C. Dubeux. 2014. A new red clover 2,4-D resistant cultivar to improve broadleaf weed control and elucidate the molecular mechanism of resistance. In: Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf (Editors: Budak,H and Sangenberg,G). 236 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-08714-6_4.
Genomic relationship matrix for correcting pedigree errors in breeding populations: impact on genetic parameters and genomic selection accuracy
P. R. Munoz, M. F. R. Resende Jr., D. Huber, T. Quesada, M. D. V. Resende, M. Kirst and G. A. Peter. 2014. Genomic relationship matrix for correcting pedigree errors in breeding populations: impact on genetic parameters and genomic selection accuracy. Crop Science 54(3):1115-1123. doi:10.2135/cropsci2012.12.0673.
Mapping fusiform rust resistance genes within a complex mating design of loblolly pine
T. Quesada (p), M.F. R. Resende Jr. (g), P. R. Munoz, J. Wegrzyn, D. Neale, M. Kirst, G. Peter, S. Gezan, D. Nelson, and J. M. Davis. 2014. Mapping fusiform rust resistance genes within a complex mating design of loblolly pine. Forest 5(2): 347-362. doi: 10.3390/f5020347.
Association genetics of oleoresin flow in loblolly pine: discovering genes and predicting phenotype for improved resistance to bark beetles and bioenergy potential
J. W. Westbrook (g), M. F. R. Resende Jr., P. R. Munoz, A.R. Walker (g), J.L. Wegrzyn, C.D. Neloson, D.B. Neale, M. Kirst, D. Huber, S. Gezan, G.F Peter and J.M. Davis. 2013. Association genetics of oleoresin flow in loblolly pine: discovering genes and predicting phenotype for improved resistance to bark beetles and bioenergy potential. New Phytology. 199: 89-100. doi: 10.1111/nph.12240.
Accuracy of genomic selection methods in a standard dataset of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.)
M. F. R. Resende Jr (g), P. R. Munoz (g), M.D. V. Resende, D.J. Garrick, R.L Fernando, J. Davis, E.J. Jokela, T.A. Martin, G.F. Peter, and M. Kirst. 2012. Accuracy of genomic selection methods in a standard dataset of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). GENETICS 190: 1503-1510. doi: 10.1534/genetics.111.137026.
Relative contribution of crown and phonological traits to growth of a pseudo-backcross family (slash x loblolly) x slash) and its pure species progenitors
P. R. Munoz, D. A. Huber, T. A. Martin. 2012. Relative contribution of crown and phenological traits to growth of a pseudo-backcross family (slash x loblolly) x slash) and its pure species progenitors. Tree Genetics and Genomes 8(6): 1281-1292. doi:10.1007/s11295-012-0514-7.
Accelerating the domestication of trees using genomic selection: accuracy of prediction models across ages and environments
Resende Jr. M.F. (g), P. R. Muñoz (G), J. Acosta, G. Peter, J. Davis, D. Grattapaglia, M.D. Resende, and M. Kirst. 2012. Accelerating the domestication of trees using genomic selection: accuracy of prediction models across ages and environments. New Phytologist 193(3): 617-624. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03895.x.
Phenotypic analysis of first-year traits in a pseudo-backcross {(slash x loblolly) x slash} and the open-pollinated families of the pure-species progenitors
P. R. Munoz, D. A. Huber, and J. Butnor. 2011. Phenotypic analysis of first-year traits in a pseudo-backcross {(slash x loblolly) x slash} and the open-pollinated families of the pure-species progenitors. Tree Genetics and Genomes 7(1): 183-192.
Statistics methods in genomic wide selection (Original in Portuguese: “Metodos estadisticos na selecao genomica ampla”)
Resende M.D.V. (&), F.F. Silva, J.M.S. Viana, L.A. Peternelli, M.F. Resende Jr, and P. R. Munoz. 2011. Statistics methods in genomic wide selection (Original in Portuguese: “Metodos estadisticos na selecao genomica ampla”). Embrapa Documents 219. Online version. Brazil. ISSN 1980-3958